
Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Tricks Managing Business Finance

There are times when businesses complained income from his business always runs out before the save. If anything can save, the discrepancy was small. In fact, the project he has received quite a lot. Supposedly, the business can run smoothly and be happy even though his life was not in any order. However, the opposite happened.

This may have been experienced by some people who started the business world. Moreover, if the business belonging to the family business type. In early efforts, when he gets the project, the money always runs out to his family. The term, when it's happy, forget everything. Forgot to pay electricity, telephone, internet, transportation, and so on.

And one thing that always forgotten is the record of all activities and transactions. Not many small businesses do. In fact, the recording is an important basic step that must be done to advance the business. Then, how to manage finances is good business? Here are the things you can do as we adapted from the magazine Chic.

1. Determine the portion of financial
The simplest way to manage business finances is to agree early on how many servings of money to be used according to the traffic needed money. For example, how much money will be used to pay salaries, operations, and how profits will be used to develop business and to save.

For starters, you can try to divide the portion of 30:30:30:10. Portion 30 percent for salaries, 30 percent more for the company's operations, such as office rent, cost of electricity, telephone, fax, transportation, and so forth. Then 30 percent more to develop the business, and the remaining 10 percent for personal savings.

So, for example, revenue of Rp 20 million, Rp 6 million (30 percent) immediately cut in early to
set aside as salary, Rp 6 million for operational costs, Rp 6 million for business development costs, and $ 2 million for personal savings.

The pattern of distribution with this average structure is not absolute. You may define your own. Noteworthy is the discipline of dividing by the value that was agreed upon at the beginning. In this way, you will more easily manage the business finances.

2. Separate personal and business accounts
Once the portion is determined, the next step to do business financial records. Indeed, if the business is still small, we often tend to equate between the money received in the effort and money for personal gain. In fact we usually put the money in one account number.

In fact, if the financial business and personal finances are merged, you will have difficulty in doing any monitoring of income or expenditure that has been done. By performing the separation between the financial records of business with personal finances, it will be easier to distinguish between the flow of funds from businesses with the use of money for personal gain.

In addition, separation records also can provide clearer information about the financial state of enterprises that are running. Moreover, the current number of banks already providing service products that can support your business financial records.

3. Do not be easily tempted
This is the main point as a form of self-discipline effort. And, indeed the key to managing money is a discipline in keeping the business portion of the percentage that we set for business and personal finances.

The temptation is usually used to come when she was a lot of orders. The goods were not already too important to be like "asking purchased". Sometimes, when money comes in large numbers, all of a sudden we felt the need this and that. One of them, buy clothes with a reason to make it look more appropriate when meeting clients.

It never hurts to fulfill that desire. However, with notes, you should be able to distinguish the needs and desires. Before you buy something with a business reason, ask first, whether it is an urgent need or desire to be postponed. Well, this answers that will help you determine where the money could be used.

Where possible and have sufficient funds, you can use accounting software for business financial records. With this software, financial records could be made more professional and neat. That way, you also do not have a gap to arbitrarily take the money business for personal needs.

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